Addy's I Love You Video link:
It's been 3 days since we've been home as a family and it's been awesome. I was released from the hospital Thursday afternoon and when we got home, Addy was waking up from her nap. My mom told her before she went to sleep "If you take a nap, then Mommy and Joey will be here when you wake up." It was a sweet sight to see her rubbing her eyes with sleepy excitement as we walked through the door. She kept saying "Baby Joey" over and over. She's been so patient and the best big sister - she wants to hold Joey all the time and give him hugs, rub his head, watch Daddy change his diaper, and "make him laugh" with her silly antics. Addy seems so big to us now that we've got such a tiny comparison. She's putting her sandals on as I write she's grown.
Danny surprised me and took Friday off of work, so we've been able to just hang in as a family. Today, Joey had his 2-day check up and everything went well. While he's down to 5 lbs 8 oz, he's within the normal weight loss range (most babies lose weight in the first week and then start gaining weight after that). He nurses all the time so we know he's doing just fine. In some pictures it looks like he's got light brown hair - he does! His hair is definitely light, probably similar in color to Danny's hair when he was little. We haven't determined what color his eyes are exactly, but they aren't quite brown - they are like a dark blue/slate grey, so they could still turn any color. We'll see!
My friend Leana sent me such a sweet gift today - it's a custom made necklace with Addy's and Joey's names etched on small medallions - you can see a picture of it in the slideshow. I love it. There's something very moving about seeing your kids' names etched together. It has hit me that I'm now a mom of two and I couldn't be happier.
I hope that you can view the video of Addy. She's singing "I love you" to Joey. It not only showcases her chops (singing is one of her favorite things) but also her funny, silly personality - a side of her that some of you don't get to see because of her shyness.
We'll try to post more pictures by mid-week!