Tuesday, July 21, 2009

July 2009

Two Months Old and Smiling

Happy Summer Everyone,

So I'll post more pictures from earlier in the month later in the week, but I wanted to share a few that I took today. Addy and Joey are getting bigger every day. Addy is excited for birthday presents soon and wants a Barney birthday party, much to my dismay since he's annoyed me since I babysat in high school, but hey, she only turns two once. Joey is starting to hold his head up and really focus in on faces - he gave me his first "I see you!" smile a few days ago. It definitely melted me away. He was smiling a ton this morning, hence, all the consecutive pictures from today!

Also, we want to share the news with all of you that, after much deliberation, we have decided to move our lives down to Springfield. Since Danny started his job at the VA, we have been commuting back and forth between Chicago and Springfield nearly every week. But now that our family is complete with 2 beautiful kids and, of course, Dude, we feel ready to settle into stability; actually, it's a welcome change from the transiency of the last half year. We'll be out of our apartment by the end of August and possibly into a new house - we are considering buying our first house...we'll keep you posted! We're going to miss Chicago like crazy, especially since we'll be moving further from Bree, Sean, and Grant, and because our friends Kevin and Lisa just moved a mile away from us, but family and friends endure even as life rolls on. I posted a few pictures of our place in Chicago...I snapped them for Craigslist and figured I'd post a few for those of you who'll never see our place. Alright, hope you're enjoying your summer!