Monday, April 5, 2010

2010 Jan-April

Happy Spring!

Here's a (relatively) small collection of pictures from the last few months. Not included are a visit to Grandma and Grandpa Teller's house, Bree's pictures from Easter, and a ton of pictures that I've taken with my phone that I just haven't downloaded yet. We can't believe that Joey is going to be 1 year old at the end of May...this year has flown by. He's growing so much and in that incessant learning phase where it seems like everyday he learns something new about the is quite amazing to witness. It is interesting with your second baby - everything seems like it is happening again but yet for the first time - we love watching him discover his own world and realizing that he's the center of ours. He's just a smiley, laidback, sweet, sweet boy. For as long as it lasts, we'll embrace it. Addy is becoming a little girl and is fast outgrowing the toddler stage. She's just a little person dancing and singing around the house, making funny observations, defying boundaries, and developing her own sassy, smart, and curious personality. In September she'll start preschool so we're cherishing our lazy pajama mornings and our unmapped afternoon walks...we know it won't last forever. Hope life is great for you!