As of 7/12, we're 52 days away and...growing! Here's the latest pic of my belly! Also, here's a picture of Danny and our friend Scott after their successful assembly of Addy's crib! Since we won't be here for long after she's born, we're really not setting up an entire nursery, but we have some furniture (graciously donated to us by our friends Scott and Jeanne) and have filled the shrunk and changing table with all the wonderful goodies that you guys have sent us/given us over the last 7 months - thank you soooo much. We will post pics of her room next time.
Also, our friends Kev and Lise flew out from NY over the 4th of July to visit...Dude LOVES them! We were on our way to camp in Bingen to see the fireworks and castle illumination.
As a final update - Danny took the GMAT and scored 730!! The median score to get into Harvard is 707, so needless to say...he did EXCEPTIONALLY well and I'm so proud of him. That's it for now :)