Monday, June 16, 2008

April-June 15, 2008

Happy Spring to Everyone!

Addy is now 9 1/2 months old (10 months on June 27) and has been enjoying her first spring. At her last appointment a few weeks ago, she was 28 inches long and 18 pounds, 4 oz (so around 70th percentile for height and 40th for weight). She's cruising like a pro and can balance on her own standing up, so we won't be surprised if she starts walking in the next month or so. The pictures are in reverse chronological order, starting with yesterday, our 1st Father's Day. It was such a fun weekend for the three of us. We went to Millenium/Grant Parks, Lincoln Park Zoo, an Italian Pasta and Wine Fest, and to Addy's first baseball game at U.S. Cellular Field (Sox lost, so good for the Tigers :) She's been enjoying her first swim and music classes (very low-key and fun, and I get to meet moms in the neighborhood) and has been experiencing lots of "firsts", including her first steps (about 3 weeks ago), and her first two teeth which popped through together (and now she's getting 4 more on top). You can see in the pictures with her hands raised up...when you ask her "How big is Addy?" she'll raise her hands above her head as if to say "So big!" Didn't seem like such a big deal when we weren't parents, but now that we are - these little milestones are so amazing to watch. And, thanks again for contributing to our March of Dimes walk that we completed with Aunt Bree, Uncle Sean, Grant, and several friends. We raised over $2000 for such a great cause, so thank you very much. In the coming months, we plan on getting to the most important game of summer - a Tigers' game, as well as hitting up all the fun weekend festivals going on in Chicago. Our doors are always open, so feel free to come visit us anytime. Love to everyone, bis spater!